D.A. Assets


Figma Converter for Unity

An asset that automatically converts the layout from Figma to Unity Canvas.

Figma to UITK Converter

Upgrade for "Figma Converter for Unity" asset, adding the ability to convert a layout from Figma to the UI Toolkit.

D.A. Button

Easily create animated buttons.

D.A. Localizator

A simple-to-set-up and use localization system with all the necessary features and even more.

UI Toolkit Element Linker

The asset simplifies access to UI Toolkit elements.

Image Overflow

The asset allows rendering the Sprite of the Image component beyond its RectTransform boundaries.


Nova UI

Nova is a new kind of UI framework made for Unity developers, designers, and creators.

It combines professional-caliber design tools, a comprehensive runtime API, and modern UI features such as rounded corners, borders, drop shadows, auto sizing, padding, margins, and more, into a familiar transform and prefab workflow.

You can easily convert your Figma layouts into Nova UI components using the "Figma Converter for Unity" asset.


You can contact me for getting help with my products.

The preferred method of communication is Discord or Telegram, as it provides a convenient and fast way of communication, which is very important when solving any possible problems.

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